Terms and Conditions
Please find our Terms & Conditions below. These Terms & Conditions replace and supersede any previous versions of the Terms and Conditions.

Oxford Scholastica Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions for Residential Courses
1) Definitions
i. ‘Acceptance’ or ‘Accepted’ means OSA sends the Student an email confirming the Student has been accepted onto a Summer School;
ii. ‘Application’ means submitting an application on the OSA website (www.oxfordscholastica.com);
iii. ‘Business day’ means Monday to Friday;
iv. ‘Campus’ means any facilities hired by OSA for a Summer School;
v. ‘Commencement Date’ means the start date of the chosen Summer School;
vi. ‘Contract’ means the legally binding arrangement that OSA enters into with the Student once the Student has been Accepted on the Summer School and comprises of these Terms & Conditions as well as other documents to which these Terms refer;
vii. ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ shall mean copyright (and related rights), designs, patents, trade marks, trade names, domain names, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off or unfair competition, confidential information and all other intellectual property rights that may subsist or will subsist in the future. This includes all such rights, whether they are registered or unregistered, and the rights to apply for renewals or extensions of those rights (where relevant);
viii. ‘OSA’ means the Oxford Scholastica Academy Ltd, a company incorporated in England & Wales (registration number 07746591) with registered address at 8 South Parade, Oxford, OX2 7JL;
ix. ‘Rules & Regulations’ means all of OSA’s Rules & Regulations which are linked to in the Appendix;
x. ‘Summer School’ means the two or four week Summer School held in-person in Oxford each summer as described on its website (www.oxfordscholastica.com);
xi. ‘Student’ means the student and, where he/she is a minor, includes his/her parents or guardian;
xii. ‘Student Data’ means any Personal Data which the student passes to OSA as part of their Application, Student Information Form and/or attendance at a Summer School. OSA will only process Student Data in compliance with its Data Protection Policy;
xiii. ‘Student Content’ means any content the Student provides during the Programme, including any content on the Platform. Such content shall at all times comply with the Rules & Regulations
xiv. ‘Student Information Form’ means the important form the Student is asked to fill in before the Commencement Date
xv. ‘VAT’ means value added tax as provided for in the Value Added Tax Act 1994;
xvi. ‘Graduate’ means the Student successfully completes and graduates from the Summer School, and includes the event at which the graduation is announced (‘Graduation’), Graduation Certificate and, where applicable, Tutor Report or Letter of Recommendation.
xvii. ‘Platform’ means the technology platform that hosts and delivers Content. The Platform is currently hosted by the ‘Platform Provider’, circle.co, here and is subject to the Platform Provider’s terms and conditions and privacy policy, (though this may change in the future)
xviii. ‘Content’ means educational live or recorded video, audio and written content provided by OSA Tutors
xix. ‘Tutor’ means a tutor, mentor, speaker or staff member
2) Application and Student Information Form
i. By making an Application, the Student acknowledges he has read this Contract and that he will be bound by this Contract if he is notified of his Acceptance by OSA
ii. The Student must be aged between 12-18 at the start of the Summer School unless otherwise agreed in writing
iii. The Student must be able to speak, understand and read English to an Intermediate/Upper Intermediate/Advanced English level. The Student’s English language level must be above Common European Framework Level C1. If OSA determines at its sole discretion that the Student’s English proficiency is not at this level, OSA reserves the right to either remove the Student from the Summer School without refund, or transfer the Student to a course of English Language private tuition (in which case the Student will be required to pay any additional fees)
iv. The Student must provide information on his medical/dietary/educational/religious/special needs requirements on his Application form or Student Information Form, so that OSA can consider and make reasonable arrangements. The Summer School is a residential Summer School but some travelling (on foot or by wheelchair) will be required by the Student, including but not limited to travelling between the Campus and the classrooms, for activities or on trips.
v. If the Student does not fill in the Student Information Form, or, in the sole judgement of OSA, has not filled this in accurately or comprehensively, OSA can’t be responsible for any acts or omissions OSA makes related to any information that would otherwise have been expected to have been written on the Student Information Form.
3) Acceptance
i. Acceptance on the Summer School is solely at the discretion of OSA subject to reviewing the Student’s Application, including his personal statement. OSA may request further information from the Student before making a decision regarding Acceptance.
ii. The Student’s place is not confirmed until he has paid the non-refundable deposit (unless awarded a scholarship in writing by OSA).
iii. OSA reserves the right to withdraw any offer that is made to the Student, or terminate the Contract if it transpires that the Application is inaccurate or incomplete.
4) Payment
i. Fees are inclusive of VAT where appropriate and when outlined on the invoice.
ii. Payment must be made in pounds sterling via Stripe, Paypal, Wise, Flywire, bank transfer, or, at the discretion of OSA, by another method. For Summer School balance payments, the Student must pay a 3% surcharge if they pay by card (Wise, Flywire or bank transfer payments are not subject to a surcharge). The exact amount must be paid. The Student should bear in mind that some banks will charge a fee for transferring the money, or the exchange rate may fluctuate, and it is the Student’s responsibility to cover these payments and ensure that the exact amount is received by OSA.
iii. The Summer School balance is due either by 31st March each year, or if the Student is accepted after 31st March then the balance of fees is due within 7 days of the invoice. OSA has the right to terminate the Student’s place without refunding his deposit if payment of the balance has not been received by the due date.
iv. If any fees are late, interest will be payable by the Student, calculated on a daily basis at the rate of 5% p.a. above the base rate of the Bank of England.
v. All payments made or to be made under this Contract shall be made in full, without any deduction, withholding, set-off or counterclaim on account of any taxes or otherwise.
5) Cancellations by Student
i. The Student has the right to cancel this Contract and receive a refund of his Summer School deposit, net of any bank charges, credit card fees or foreign exchange losses, if the cancellation is made within fourteen (14) calendar days after entering into the Contract unless the Commencement Date starts before the fourteen calendar days has expired (in which case the Student will be refunded the Summer School deposit minus any charges OSA has incurred as a result of, for example, booking rooms or hiring tutors).
ii. If the Student notifies OSA that he wishes to cancel his place on the Summer School on or before 30th April, OSA will refund the Student the full amount of the balance paid. If the Student cancels between 1st May and 15th May (inclusive) then OSA will refund the Student 50% of the balance paid. If the Student cancels between 16th May and 31st May (inclusive) then OSA will refund the Student 10% of the balance paid. However, if the Student cancels on or after 1st June he will receive 0% of the balance.
iii. The refund payment will be repaid to the Student within 30 days following cancellation
iv. If the Student wishes to cancel this Contract in accordance with clause 5.i, OSA must be notified in writing here
v. If the Student cancels other than in accordance with this clause 5 and does not give notice in accordance with clause 5 (iv), then he shall not be entitled to a refund (including, for example, cancellation as a result of illness before or during the Summer School, or failure to be issued with an appropriate visa for studying at the Summer School – Students are advised to arrange insurance to cover such eventualities), nor shall the Student be entitled to carry forward the fees to another year, nor shall the student be entitled to transfer their place or funds paid to another Student.
6) Termination
i. OSA reserves the right at any time to terminate this Contract by written notice without refunding any fees to the Student if OSA determines at its sole discretion that:
a) Payment of the fees in full (including, for the Summer School, the deposit and the balance) has not been made within 7 days of the invoice.
b) The Student has not fully filled in the Student Information Form 30 days before the Commencement Date, or, in the sole judgement of OSA, has not filled this in accurately or comprehensively.
c) The Student has not updated OSA immediately about any changes to the details in the Student Information Form.
d) In the sole judgement of OSA, the Student is medically unfit to participate on the Summer School.
e) The Student rejects being moved by OSA from his course to a course of English language private tuition, or does not pay the additional fees for this, after OSA has determined at its sole discretion that the Student’s English proficiency is not at the level required for the Summer School, in accordance with clause 2 (iii).
f) The Student has behaved unacceptably, missed classes, broken any of OSA’s Rules & Regulations or any UK law. OSA also reserves the right to refer such instances to the relevant authorities such as the police.
ii. In the event of termination of this Contract by OSA while the Student is attending the Summer School, OSA reserves the right to send the Student home immediately with no refund of any fees. The Student is required to leave the Summer School permanently within 24 hours of notification of termination. During this 24 hour period, the Student is not entitled to participate in any of the classes, activities or other events of the Summer School, nor to interact with other students, and the Student will be required to remain in a room designated for them by OSA. The Student is fully responsible for his return home and for paying the costs up front in full. OSA reserves the right to book same, next-day or future flights or other modes of transport for the Student at any cost. The Student is required to follow any travel plans made for them by OSA. If OSA incurs any cost in sending the Student home, the Student will be responsible for reimbursing OSA in full within five days. OSA accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage experienced by the Student as a result of termination, including but not limited to any costs such as transport costs or accommodation costs for the Student or other persons.
iii. In the event that OSA terminates this Contract under this section 6), the Student will not be allowed to Graduate, will be prohibited from attending the Graduation ceremony and will not receive his graduation certificate, or letter of recommendation or tutor report (or, if the Student has been issued with his Graduation certificate, letter of recommendation or tutor report these will be withdrawn).
iv. The rights, liabilities or remedies of either party shall not be affected after termination, nor will the continuance of any of this Contract’s provision (to the extent to which it is expressed or by implication intended to continue).
7) Insurance
i. The Student is required to take out comprehensive insurance to cover himself, including, for the Summer School, health, contents and travel insurance, which will insure the Student against, but not limited to, issues such as flight costs and course fees incurred in the event of cancellations, theft of personal items, medical treatment, repatriation, personal accident, the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, public liability, legal expenses etc, and to bring along proof of these insurance policies. The Student must also cover any additional expenses OSA incurs in the event of any of these circumstances or similar circumstances.
ii. It is the Student’s responsibility to follow the relevant requirements of their insurer, for example in informing the insurer promptly after any accident and claiming from the insurer.
8) Visas
i. It is the Student’s responsibility to ensure he has the correct visa required for studying in the UK during the Summer School and that he can comply with relevant border entry and passport requirements. No refund will be made by OSA to the Student if he is unable to attend the Summer School in these circumstances.
9) Medication
i. OSA will require the Student to provide an accurate record of their medical history before the Summer School. The Student agrees to keep OSA updated immediately with any changes to his medical records or information. If the student requires any medication, he should take an English translation or instruction by his doctor of the use and dosage of the medicine to the Summer School.
ii. OSA has the right to request for a qualified medical practitioner to assess the Student’s health or need for any medication and to provide a written record of this to OSA. Any medical expenses incurred are the responsibility of the Student. Where OSA pays for the Student’s medical expenses, the amount must be reimbursed within five days by the Student.
iii. If, in the judgement of OSA, at any time the Student is unfit to attend the Summer School, the Contract will be terminated pursuant to clause 6
iv. If, in the judgement of OSA, the Student requires qualified medical attention he will be taken to a GP’s surgery or hospital. Any medical expenses incurred are the responsibility of the Student. Where OSA pays for the Student’s medical expenses, the amount must be reimbursed within five days by the Student.
v. In the case of sickness, accident or injury, OSA has the right to administer first aid and/or medication to the Student, including but not limited to paracetamol. The Student may opt out of this by informing OSA in writing.
vi. OSA will not administer or store any non-basic medication. The Student must notify OSA on his Student Information Form if he needs any prescribed or non-basic medication, including injections. The Student is fully responsible for the administration and storage of any prescribed or non-basic medication, including injections (by agreeing to these Terms & Conditions, any Student administrating their own medication agrees they have been assessed as sufficiently responsible to self medicate by their parents).
vii. In the case of any medical emergency, OSA will arrange for the emergency services to take the Student to hospital, where they shall be in the care of the National Health Service (NHS) who will treat them according to their regulations and policies. OSA will not be held liable for the decisions of the NHS.
viii. OSA has the right to confine the Student to their room if they are unwell, contagious or isolating. In such circumstances, OSA will provide online tuition for the Student where feasible.
10) Limitation of Liability
i. OSA will not be liable to the Student or any connected persons for any claims, costs, expenses or damages (including but not limited to property, personal belongings or money) losses (including but not limited to loss of profits, revenue, data, contracts or opportunities) or any liabilities of any kind (whether direct or indirect), except for death or personal injury resulting from proven negligence in an English court of law. Without limiting the generality of this clause, OSA will not accept liability in the following circumstances:
a) Loss of or damage to personal belongings whether or not caused by OSA’s negligence. Students are advised to arrange insurance to cover such eventualities.
b) If the failure or improper performance of this Contract is the fault or part-fault of the Student, or is the fault of someone else not connected with OSA or third parties involved in the provision of the Summer School
c) Any unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond OSA’s control (for example, a Force Majeure Event under clause 15) the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised.
d) If the failure or breach of this Contract is in whole or in part attributable to the occurrence of any event that OSA could, even with reasonable care, not have foreseen.
ii. The Student is advised to lock their room doors and windows. OSA is not liable for any theft, loss or damage to these belongings and it is recommended that the Student takes out insurance to cover these. Where the Student uses the OSA safe to lock away their belongings, OSA is not liable for any theft, loss or damage to these belongings and it is recommended that the Student takes out insurance to cover these.
iii. The Student will indemnify and keep indemnified OSA from and against any losses, claims, costs, expenses or damages or any liabilities of any kind incurred by it as a direct or indirect result of a breach of this Contract or a violation of OSA’s Rules & Regulations by the Student.
iv. Where OSA makes any payment to the Student arising from this Contract, the Student must assign to OSA or its insurers any rights it may have to pursue any other third party. The Student must also provide OSA and its insurers with all assistance required.
11) The Student agrees:
i. To abide by the laws of England
ii. Not to participate in any act or illegal activity that may bring OSA, any of its facilities or software OSA uses into disrepute.
iii. To abide by OSA’s Rules & Regulations and the decisions and instructions of OSA’s staff. In the event of any breaches of these Rules & Regulations or decisions of OSA’s staff, OSA reserves the right terminate this Contract in accordance with Clause 6, or to send the Student home or to ground the Student in accordance with OSA’s Discipline Policy contained in the Rules & Regulations.
iv. To abide by OSA’s policies including, but not limited to, OSA’s Health & Safety Policy, Attendance Policy, Fire Policy, COVID-19 Policy, Rules & Regulations as well as the Regulations and Policies Applying to All Users of Oxford University ICT Facilities (www.ict.ox.ac.uk/rules), the Use of Reasonable Force Policy and Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy. All OSA’s policies are available on request
v. To indemnify OSA from and against any losses that the University of Oxford may suffer which are result of the Student’s access of the University’s network, internet and email facilities and infringement of its Intellectual Property Rights.
vi. To indemnify OSA from and against any and all damages, losses, expenses, claims, costs and reimbursements arising from any act or omission of the Student or any infringement by the Student of any third party’s Intellectual Property Rights.
vii. To behave considerably, responsibly and co-operatively towards anyone involved with OSA, including fellow students, tutors and staff, and to respect the privacy of other residents and neighbours.
viii. To sign in and sign out of the Summer School every time the Student enters or exits the campus buildings. Where a parent/family member/family friend is taking the Student out, the parent/guardian of the Student must have given OSA written permission which must have been accepted by OSA in writing, and the appropriate OSA forms must be signed by the Student and the parent/family member/family friend who must also prove their identity to a staff member when fetching the Student
ix. To treat all buildings and facilities that OSA uses with care, and not to attach anything to or decorate any property, including the campus.
x. To permit OSA to enter the Student’s room to search the room if OSA suspects any breach of this Contract or its Rules & Regulations. OSA will undergo this search in accordance with its Searching & Confiscation Policy (available on request).
xi. To permit OSA to search the Student’s clothing or belongings outside of his room if OSA suspects any breach of the Contract or Rules & Regulations. OSA will undergo this search in accordance with its Searching & Confiscation Policy (available on request).
xii. Not to damage property, premises or persons, and to fully indemnify OSA for any costs incurred in such damage.
xiii. To pay OSA the actual replacement cost of any replacement room key, card or fob in the event of damage or loss to the original.
xiv. Not to make use of the name, logos, crest, trademarks, coat of arms or insignia of The University of Oxford (‘the University’), St Peter’s College, Corpus Christi College, St Anne’s College, the Blavatnik School of Government, the Saïd Business School and other such organisations OSA contracts with, nor the Oxford Scholastica Academy (except where written permission has been given).
xv. Not to publish any material by any medium relating to OSA, its staff, students, facilities or any other person or body OSA has a relationship with without OSA’s written permission.
xvi. Not to give interviews or statements to any form of media outlet (including social media) in relation to OSA unless given written permission to do so by OSA.
xvii. To immediately withdraw any material given to any form of media outlet (including social media) where permission was not given by OSA.
xviii. Not to purchase or consume alcohol, any illegal/recreational drugs or tobacco/cigarettes/e-cigarettes.
xix. Not to smoke in any building or in any grounds of the campus
xx. To take particular care with road safety, including but not limited to always walking on the pavement and not the road and crossing the road at official crossings. OSA is not responsible for any road injury caused to the Student.
xxi. To vacate the accommodation on their final day at 9am, or additional charges may be incurred. Luggage may be left, at the Student’s risk, in an area designated by OSA.
xxii. To abide by any statutory requirements, including those which may relate to any visa requirements which the Student must adhere to.
xxiii. To abide by COVID-19 safety measures OSA may require. OSA reserves the right to amend its COVID Policy as a result of changes to COVID restrictions. In the case of COVID-19 or similar outbreaks, OSA reserves the right to move courses online in order to keep students safe
xxiv. To provide OSA with an unlimited worldwide license to use any Student Content for its business use and promotional activities, to warrant that any work he creates as part of his participation in the Summer School is not plagiarised and does not infringe any third party Intellectual Property Rights, and to provide an unlimited license to OSA to use such work on its marketing materials, website and social media.
xxv. To enable OSA to record, store and use live Programme content for the purpose of Programme quality control
xxvi. That anything the Student posts on the Platform or on any other software OSA uses (such as Zoom) will represent his own views and will not contain (or link to) any unlawful, threatening or offensive material and the Student agrees to be fully liable and to indemnify OSA for any damage caused by his breach of this clause
12) Graduation
i. Whether or not the Student Graduates or receives a certificate, report and/or letter of recommendation is at the discretion of OSA. In order to Graduate from the Summer School, the Student must:
a) attend all compulsory sessions for the full duration of the Summer School, including but not limited to classes and Masterclasses (except those for which the student is ill where the illness is certificated by OSA at their entire discretion), and have participated positively and appropriately;
b) complete to an appropriate level and hand in all work required by the Student’s tutor;
c) not plagiarise any work;
d) not have had the Contract terminated by OSA
ii. If OSA becomes aware of any breach to these Terms & Conditions, or the Rules & Regulations, after the Summer School, OSA reserves to right to withdraw the Graduation certificate, tutor report and letter of recommendation which has been conferred onto the Student
13) Notices
i. All notices shall be in English and in legible writing and be deemed duly given if signed by, or on behalf of, a duly authorised officer of the party giving the notice
ii. Notices shall be deemed to have been duly given:
a) when delivered, if delivered by courier or other messenger (including registered mail) during normal business hours of the recipient; or
b) when sent, if transmitted by e-mail and a successful transmission report or return receipt is generated; or
c) on the fifth business day following mailing, if mailed by national ordinary mail, postage prepaid; or
d) on the tenth business day following mailing, if mailed by airmail, postage prepaid.
in each case addressed to the most recent address or e-mail address notified to the other party.
iii. Service of any document for the purposes of any legal proceedings concerning or arising out of this Contract shall be effected by either party by causing such document to be delivered to the other party at its registered or principal office, or to such other address as may be notified to one party by the other party in writing from time to time.
14) Data Protection
OSA will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (the “Data Protection Legislation”). Full details of how OSA handles the Student Data are contained in its Data Protection Policy.
15) Force Majeure
i. OSA shall not be liable for any failure, delay or part-performance in performing their obligations where such failure or delay results from any cause that is beyond their reasonable control. Such causes include, but are not limited to: power failure, Internet Service Provider failure, third party service or facility withdrawal, industrial action, civil unrest, fire, flood, storms, earthquakes, outbreak of contagious or other notifiable human or animal infection, disease or condition, air traffic disruption, acts of terrorism, acts of war, governmental action or changes in legislation/regulation, any direction of a competent local or national authority (or fear of such), or any other event that is beyond the control of OSA (“Force Majeure Event”). This also includes situations where any buildings or schools are closed, through no fault of OSA, and the Summer School cannot be provided at the pre-arranged location
ii. If a Force Majeure Event or disruption from such an event occurs, OSA may terminate this Contract by written notice to the Student
iii. Should the Summer School be cancelled, postponed or otherwise adversely impacted as a result of a Force Majeure Event, there shall be no refunds for payments already received by OSA. If economically and administratively viable for OSA to do so, OSA will make all reasonable efforts to offer a place at a future Summer School to the Student, subject to availability, and shall not be liable for any additional expenses the Student may incur (including, but not limited to, travel or accommodation) because of cancellation or postponement of the Summer School and in attending a future Summer School. OSA shall not be required to offer such an alternative place, does not guarantee that it will do so, and shall not be required to offer any refund or monetary compensation to the Student in such cases. For the avoidance of doubt, the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event shall in no circumstances place any requirement on OSA to make any form of reimbursement, compensation or refund.
16) Recordings & Promotional activities
i. Online sessions may be recorded and the recording may be made available publicly to enable other students and parents to be able to watch the recording. If the Student does not agree to this, they must not turn their camera on during the recording
ii. The Student should advise OSA in writing before the Commencement Date if he/she would prefer not to participate in recordings or photographs for promotional purposes and unless otherwise instructed in writing beforehand, OSA may use these images for its business use and promotional activities on an ongoing basis.
iii. At the end of the Summer School, OSA will ask the Student to fill in an evaluation questionnaire. OSA may use statistics and quotes from these to promote future Summer Schools, and may credit the Student’s name and school next to these quotes. The Student should advise OSA in writing before the Commencement Date if they would prefer for OSA not to use this information in future publicity.
17) Relationships
OSA is an organisation which contracts with St Peter’s College, Corpus Christi College, St Anne’s College, the Blavatnik School of Government, the Saïd Business School and other such organisations for the use of facilities, but which has no formal connection with The University of Oxford.
18) Lost Property
i. OSA can’t be held responsible for any items deemed to be lost property. Lost property handed to or found by OSA staff will be kept for 8 weeks before being donated to charity or recycled. Loose, unnamed paperwork will be recycled immediately. OSA staff will endeavour to return property of high value or official hard copy documents containing Student Data where the owner can be easily identified. If it is not possible to do this within the nominated time period, these items will be donated to local registered charities, or if not suitable for donation, the items will be destroyed. Items will be returned in the condition that OSA received them in.
ii. Many students choose to leave property behind in their rooms after they depart the Summer School, so as not to take it back home (please note, the cleaners may dispose of these items so it is important that students make sure they take home all items which they want to). As such, OSA’s policy is not to inform students that they have left property behind. Any lost property recovered from a student room will follow the lost property procedure above
19) Departure
After graduation, the Student will be allowed to sign out from the summer school and travel home independently unless their parent/guardian has specifically asked for this not to happen.
20) Platform
i) The Student represents and warrants that he:
a) Will not share any login details or otherwise enable unlawful access to the Platform by any other person
b) Will not scrape, copy, share or otherwise extract the Content from the Platform
c) Nothing in these Terms & Conditions assigns or transfers to the Student any rights, title or interest (including any Intellectual Property Rights) in the Platform or the Content
d) Except as expressly warranted in these Terms & Conditions, and except to the extent prohibited by law, OSA disclaims all implied representations and warranties regarding the Content including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. OSA makes no representation that the Content will be error-free, correct, accurate, complete, reliable, secure, current or up-to-date. OSA is not liable for the availability and/or functionality of the Platform or any liability caused by any acts or omissions of the Tutors. All issues with the Platform (including, without limitation, its availability and functionality) are the sole responsibility of the Platform Provider
ii) OSA reserves the right to remove or edit any Content or Student Content at any time.
21) General
i. Nothing in this Contract shall be construed as creating a partnership with the Student.
ii. The Student may not subcontract any rights under this contract to another person or company without the consent of OSA.
iii. OSA may assign all or any of its rights under this Contract to any person or company without any requirement to notify or obtain further consent of the Student.
iv. No amendments of this Contract shall be effective unless confirmed in writing and signed by both OSA and the Student.
v. No waiver by OSA of any breach of these terms shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. A waiver of any term, provision or condition shall be effective only if given in writing and signed by the waiving party and then only in the instance and for the purpose for which the waiver is given.
vi. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this Contract adheres strictly with the relevant provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, in the event that any of these terms are found to be unlawful, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that term is to be deemed severed from this Contract and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms. This term shall apply only within jurisdictions where a particular term is illegal.
vii. The headings in this Contract are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of the Contract.
viii. Words imparting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.
ix. References to any gender shall include the other gender.
x. OSA makes every effort to provide an accurate description of the Summer School, but can make no guarantee about the content or structure, which may change.
xi. OSA reserves the right to cancel Summer Schools (for reasons including, but not limited to, insufficient numbers of students signed up for the course), in which case OSA will make every effort to transfer the Student to another Summer School, or to a different course or an online course.
xii. OSA reserves the right to modify or cancel the Summer School, and to make alterations to the Summer School, terms, rules, policies, courses and tutors at any time before or during the Summer School without the Student’s consent. OSA shall not be held responsible for any inconvenience caused and extra expenses incurred.
xiii. Wherever possible, OSA will try to accommodate the Student’s reasonable requests for a change to his booking (e.g.: change of course or change of dates) but cannot guarantee and is under no obligation to do so. Students may change from the Summer School to an Online Course any time before 1st April, but after this date won’t be allowed to move (this is because OSA needs to book the appropriate number of bedrooms for the Summer School).
xiv. OSA may occasionally share its premises with other students or individuals, and will take all appropriate measures to safeguard its own students.
xv. Photographs are provided as an example only and OSA’s accommodation, tutors, classrooms or other facilities may be different to those displayed.
xvi. No advice or information provided by OSA or OSA’s Tutors at any time shall create any legal obligation and OSA makes no warranty that OSA’s courses or services shall meet the Student’s requirements or be fit for a particular purpose
xvii. Where any OSA policy differs with these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
xviii. OSA does not intend any term of this Contract to be enforceable pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
xix. OSA may revise these terms from time to time. The most current version will always be posted on OSA’s website. Any material changes will be notified to the Student by email.
xx. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales.
xxi. Each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales, to settle any dispute or question relating to this Contract, or any other matter.
Terms & Conditions for Online Programmes
These Terms & Conditions apply to students using our online services (“Online Course”), excluding the OxBright Scholars programme. By booking on an Online Course you confirm you have read and accepted the below Terms.
1) Definitions
i. ‘Acceptance’ or ‘Accepted’ means OSA sends the Student an email confirming the Student has been accepted onto a Programme.
ii. ‘Application’ means submitting an application on the OSA website (www.oxfordscholastica.com).
iii. ‘Business day’ means Monday to Friday.
iv. ‘Commencement Date’ means the start date of the chosen Programme.
v. ‘Contract’ means the legally binding arrangement that OSA enters in to with the Student once the Student has been Accepted on the Programme and is subject to these Terms & Conditions as well as other documents to which they refer.
vi. ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ shall mean copyright (and related rights), designs, patents, trademarks, confidentiality, confidential information and all other intellectual property rights that may subsist or will subsist in the future. This includes all such rights, whether they are registered or unregistered, and the rights to apply for renewals or extensions of those rights (where relevant).
vii. ‘OSA’ means the Oxford Scholastica Academy Ltd, a company incorporated in England & Wales (registration number 07746591) with registered address at 8 South Parade, Oxford, OX2 7JL.
viii. ‘Online Guidelines’ means OSA’s Online Guidelines, which are linked to in the Appendix.
ix. ‘Programme’ means OSA’s programme as described on its website (www.oxfordscholastica.com).
x. ‘Online Course’ means any OSA online Programme (including, but not limited to, online courses, conferences and internships), excluding OxBright
xi. ‘Student’ means the student and, where he is a minor, includes his parents or guardian
xii. ‘Student Information Form’ means the important form the Student is asked to fill in before the Commencement Date
xiii. ‘Student Content’ means any content the Student provides during the Programme, including any content on the Platform. Such content shall at all times comply with the Online Guidelines
xiii. ‘VAT’ means value added tax as provided for in the Value Added Tax Act 1994
xiv. ‘Graduate’ means the Student successfully completes and graduates from the Online Course, and includes the event at which the graduation is announced (‘Graduation’), Graduation Certificate and, where applicable, Tutor Report or Letter of Recommendation
xv. ‘Platform’ means the technology platform that hosts and delivers Content. The Platform is currently hosted by the ‘Platform Provider’, circle.co, here and is subject to the Platform Provider’s terms and conditions and privacy policy, (though this may change in the future)
xvi. ‘Content’ means educational live or recorded video, audio and written content provided by OSA Tutors
xvi. ‘Tutor’ means an OSA tutor, mentor, speaker or staff member
2) Application and Student Information Form
i. By making an Application, the Student acknowledges that they have read this Contract and that they will be bound by this Contract if they are notified of Acceptance by OSA.
ii. The Student must be aged between 12-18 at the start of the Programme unless otherwise agreed in writing.
iii. The Student must be able to speak, understand and read English to an Intermediate/Upper Intermediate/Advanced English level. The Student’s English language level must be above Common European Framework Level C1. If OSA determines at its sole discretion that the Student’s English proficiency is not at this level, OSA reserves the right to either remove the Student from his Programme without refund, or transfer him to a course of English Language private tuition (in which case the Student will be required to pay any additional fees)
iv. If the Student does not fill in the Student Information Form before the Commencement Date, or, in the sole judgement of OSA, has not filled this in accurately or comprehensively, OSA can’t be responsible for any acts or omissions OSA makes related to any information that would have otherwise been expected to have been written on the Student Information Form.
3) Acceptance
i. By submitting an Application, this does not constitute Acceptance. Any Acceptance is solely at the discretion of OSA subject to reviewing the Student’s Application, including their personal statement. OSA may request further information before making a decision regarding Acceptance.
ii. The Student’s place is not confirmed until they have paid the full fees, unless awarded a scholarship in writing by OSA.
iii. OSA reserves the right to withdraw any offer that is made to the Student, or terminate the Contract if it transpires that the Application is inaccurate or incomplete
4) Payment
i. Fees are inclusive of VAT where appropriate and when outlined on the invoice.
ii. Payment must be made in pounds sterling via Stripe, Paypal, Wise, Flywire, bank transfer, or, at the discretion of OSA, by another method. The Student should bear in mind that some banks will charge a fee for transferring the money, or the exchange rate may fluctuate, and it is the Student’s responsibility to cover these payments and ensure that the exact amount is received by OSA
iii. The Online Course fees are not refundable in any circumstance except in accordance with clause 5 (i)
iv. If any fees are late, interest will be payable by the Student, calculated on a daily basis at the rate of 5% p.a. above the base rate of the Bank of England.
v. All payments made or to be made under this Contract shall be made in full, without any deduction, withholding, set-off or counterclaim on account of any taxes or otherwise.
5) Cancellations
i. The Student has the right to cancel this Contract and receive a refund of their Online Course fees, net of any bank charges, credit card fees or foreign exchange losses, if the cancellation is made within fourteen calendar days after entering into the Contract unless the Commencement Date starts before the fourteen calendar days has expired (in which case the Student will be refunded the Online Course fees minus any charges OSA has incurred as a result of, for example, hiring tutors)
ii. The refund payment will be repaid to the Student within 30 days following cancellation.
iii. If the Student wishes to cancel this Contract in accordance with clause 5.i, OSA must be notified in writing here
iv. If the Student cancels other than in accordance with clause 5 (i) and does not give notice in accordance with clause 5 (iii), then they shall not be entitled to a refund (including, for example, cancellation as a result of illness before or during the Programme, for which Students are advised to arrange insurance to cover such eventualities), nor shall the Student be entitled to carry forward the fees to another year, nor shall the student be entitled to transfer their place or funds paid to another Student.
6) Termination
i. OSA reserves the right at any time to terminate this Contract by written notice without refunding any fees to the Student if OSA determines at its sole discretion that:
a) Payment of the fees in full has not been made within 7 days of the invoice.
b) The Student has not fully filled in the Student Information Form before the Commencement Date, or, in the sole judgement of OSA, has not filled this in accurately or comprehensively.
c) The Student has not updated OSA immediately about any changes to the details in the Student Information Form.
d) In the sole judgement of OSA, the Student is medically unfit to participate on the Programme.
e) The Student rejects being moved by OSA from its course to a course of English language private tuition, or does not pay the additional fees for this, after OSA has determined at its sole discretion that the Student’s English proficiency is not at the level required for the Programme, in accordance with clause 2 (iii)
f) The Student has behaved unacceptably, missed classes, broken any of OSA’s Online Guidelines or any UK law. OSA also reserves the right to refer such instances to the relevant authorities such as the police.
g) In the event that OSA terminates this Contract under this section 6), the Student will not be allowed to Graduate, will be prohibited from attending the Graduation ceremony and will not receive their graduation certificate, or letter of recommendation or tutor report (or, if the Student has been issued with their Graduation certificate, letter of recommendation or tutor report these will be withdrawn).
ii. The rights, liabilities or remedies of either party shall not be affected after termination, nor will the continuance of any of this Contract’s provision (to the extent to which it is expressed or by implication intended to continue)
7) Limitation of Liability
i. OSA will not be liable to the Student or any connected persons for any claims, costs, expenses or damages (including but not limited to property, personal belongings or money), losses (including but not limited to loss of profits, revenue, data, contracts or opportunities) or any liabilities of any kind (whether direct or indirect), except for death or personal injury resulting from proven negligence in an English court of law. Without limiting the generality of this clause, OSA will not accept liability in the following circumstances:
a) Loss of or damage to personal belongings whether or not caused by OSA’s negligence. Students are advised to arrange insurance to cover such eventualities
b) If the failure or improper performance of this Contract is the fault or part-fault of the Student, or is the fault of someone else not connected with OSA or third parties involved in the provision of the Programme
c) Any unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond OSA’s control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised
d) If the failure or breach of this Contract is in whole or in part attributable to the occurrence of any event that OSA could, even with reasonable care, not have foreseen.
ii. The Student will indemnify and keep indemnified OSA from and against any losses, claims, costs, expenses or damages or any liabilities of any kind incurred by it as a direct or indirect result of a breach of this Contract or a violation of OSA’s Online Guidelines by the Student
iii. Where OSA makes any payment to the Student arising from this Contract, the Student must assign to OSA or its insurers any rights it may have to pursue any other third party. The Student must also provide OSA and its insurers with all assistance required.
8) The Student agrees:
i. Not to participate in any act or illegal activity that may bring OSA, any of its facilities or software OSA uses into disrepute
ii. To abide by OSA’s Online Guidelines and the decisions of OSA’s staff. In the event of any breaches of these Online Guidelines or decisions of OSA’s staff, OSA reserves the right terminate this Contract in accordance with Clause 6.
iii. To abide by OSA’s policies (available on request) including, the Online Guidelines.
iv. To indemnify OSA from and against any and all damages, losses, expenses, claims, costs and reimbursements as a result of any infringement by the Student of any third party’s Intellectual Property Rights.
v. To indemnify OSA from and against any and all damages, losses, expenses, claims, costs and reimbursements arising from any connection with any act or omission of the Student.
vi. To behave considerably, responsibly and co-operatively towards anyone involved with OSA, including fellow students, tutors and staff.
vii. Not to damage property, premises or persons, and to fully indemnify OSA for any costs incurred in such damage.
viii. Not to make use of the name, logos, crest, trademarks, coat of arms or insignia of The University of Oxford (‘the University’), St Peter’s College, Corpus Christi College, the Blavatnik School of Government, the Saïd Business School and other such organisations OSA contracts with, nor the Oxford Scholastica Academy except where written permission has been given.
ix. Not to publish any material by any medium relating to OSA, its staff, students, facilities or any other person or body OSA has a relationship with without OSA’s written permission
x. Not to give interviews or statements to any form of media outlet (including social media) in relation to OSA unless given written permission to do so by OSA.
xi. To immediately withdraw any material given to any form of media outlet (including social media) where permission was not given by OSA.
xii. To provide OSA with an unlimited worldwide license to use any Student Content for its business use and promotional activities, to warrant that any work it creates as part of its participation in a Programme is not plagiarised and does not infringe any third party Intellectual Property Rights, and to provide an unlimited license to OSA to use such work on its marketing materials, website and social media.
xiii. That live Programme content may be recorded, stored and used by OSA, for the purpose of Programme quality control
xiv) That anything the Student posts on the Platform or on any other software OSA uses (such as Zoom) will represent their own views and will not contain (or link to) any unlawful, threatening or offensive material and the Student agrees to be fully liable and to indemnify OSA for any damage caused by their breach of this clause
9) Notices
i. All notices shall be in English and in legible writing and be deemed duly given if signed by, or on behalf of, a duly authorised officer of the party giving the notice
ii. Notices shall be deemed to have been duly given:
a) when delivered, if delivered by courier or other messenger (including registered mail) during normal business hours of the recipient; or
b) when sent, if transmitted by e-mail and a successful transmission report or return receipt is generated; or
c) on the fifth business day following mailing, if mailed by national ordinary mail, postage prepaid; or
d) on the tenth business day following mailing, if mailed by airmail, postage prepaid.
In each case addressed to the most recent address, e-mail address, or facsimile number notified to the other party.
iii. Service of any document for the purposes of any legal proceedings concerning or arising out of this Contract shall be effected by either party by causing such document to be delivered to the other party at its registered or principal office, or to such other address as may be notified to one party by the other party in writing from time to time.
10) Data Protection
OSA will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (the “Data Protection Legislation”). Full details of how OSA handles the personal data of Students and others are contained in the Data Protection Policy.
11) Force Majeure
i. OSA shall not be liable for any failure, delay or part-performance in performing their obligations where such failure or delay results from any cause that is beyond their reasonable control. Such causes include, but are not limited to: power failure, Internet Service Provider failure, third party service or facility withdrawal, industrial action, civil unrest, fire, flood, storms, earthquakes, outbreak of contagious or other notifiable human or animal infection, disease or condition, air traffic disruption, acts of terrorism, acts of war, governmental action or changes in legislation/regulation, any direction of a competent local or national authority (or fear of such), or any other event that is beyond the control of OSA (“Force Majeure Event”).
ii. If a Force Majeure Event or disruption from such an event occurs, OSA may terminate this Contract by written notice to the Student
iii. Should the Programme be cancelled, postponed or otherwise adversely impacted as a result of a Force Majeure Event, there shall be no refunds for payments already received by OSA. If economically and administratively viable for OSA to do so, OSA will make all reasonable efforts to offer a place at a future Programme to the Student, subject to availability, and shall not be liable for any additional expenses the Student may incur (including, but not limited to, travel or accommodation) because of cancellation or postponement of the Programme and in attending a future Programme. OSA shall not be required to offer such an alternative place, does not guarantee that it will do so, and shall not be required to offer any refund or monetary compensation to the Student in such cases. For the avoidance of doubt, the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event shall in no circumstances place any requirement on OSA to make any form of reimbursement, compensation or refund
12) Recordings & Promotional activities
i. Online sessions may be recorded and the recording may be made available publicly to enable other students and parents to be able to watch the recording. If the Student does not agree to this, they must not turn their camera on during the recording
ii. The Student should advise OSA in writing before the Commencement Date if he/she would prefer not to participate in recordings or photographs for promotional purposes and unless otherwise instructed in writing beforehand, OSA may use these images for its business use and promotional activities on an ongoing basis
iii. At the end of the Programme, OSA will ask the Student to fill in an evaluation questionnaire. OSA may use statistics and quotes from these to promote future Programmes, and may credit the Student’s name and school next to these quotes. The Student should advise OSA in writing before the Commencement Date if he would prefer for OSA not to use this information in future publicity.
13) Relationships
OSA is an organisation which contracts with St Peter’s College, Corpus Christi College, the Blavatnik School of Government, the Saïd Business School and other such organisations for the use of facilities, but which has no formal connection with The University of Oxford.
14) Graduation
i. Whether or not the Student Graduates or receives a certificate, report and/or letter of recommendation is at the discretion of OSA. In order to Graduate from an Online Course, the Student must:
a) attend all compulsory sessions for the full duration of the Online Course (except those for which the student is ill where the illness is certificated by OSA at their entire discretion), and have participated positively and appropriately;
b) complete to an appropriate level and hand in all work required by the Student’s tutor or mentor;
c) not plagiarise any work;
d) not have had the Contract terminated by OSA
ii. If OSA becomes aware of any breach to these Terms & Conditions, or the Online Guidelines, after the Online Course, OSA reserves to right to withdraw the Graduation certificate, tutor report and/or letter of recommendation which has been conferred onto the Student
15) Platform
i) The Student represents and warrants that he:
a) Will not share any login details or otherwise enable unlawful access to the Platform by any other person
b) Will not scrape, copy, share or otherwise extract the Content from the Platform
c) Nothing in these Terms & Conditions assigns or transfers to the Student any rights, title or interest (including any Intellectual Property Rights) in the Platform or the Content
d) Except as expressly warranted in these Terms & Conditions, and except to the extent prohibited by law, OSA disclaims all implied representations and warranties regarding the Content including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. OSA makes no representation that the Content will be error-free, correct, accurate, complete, reliable, secure, current or up-to-date. OSA is not liable for the availability and/or functionality of the Platform or any liability caused by any acts or omissions of the Tutors. All issues with the Platform (including, without limitation, its availability and functionality) are the sole responsibility of the Platform Provider
ii) OSA reserves the right to remove or edit any Content or Student Content at any time.
16) General
i. Nothing in this Contract shall be construed as creating a partnership with the Student.
ii. The Student may not subcontract any rights under this contract to another person or company without the consent of OSA.
iii. OSA may assign all or any of its rights under this Contract to any person or company without any requirement to notify or obtain further consent of the Student.
iv. No amendments of this Contract shall be effective unless confirmed in writing and signed by both OSA and the Student.
v. No waiver by OSA of any breach of these terms shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. A waiver of any term, provision or condition shall be effective only if given in writing and signed by the waiving party and then only in the instance and for the purpose for which the waiver is given.
vi. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this Contract adheres strictly with the relevant provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, in the event that any of these terms are found to be unlawful, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that term is to be deemed severed from this Contract and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms. This term shall apply only within jurisdictions where a particular term is illegal.
vii. The headings in this Contract are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of the Contract.
viii. Words imparting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.
ix. References to any gender shall include the other gender.
x. OSA makes every effort to provide an accurate description of the Programme, but can make no guarantee about the content or structure, which may change.
xi. OSA reserves the right to cancel Programmes (for reasons including, but not limited to, insufficient numbers of students signed up for the course), in which case OSA will make every effort to transfer the Student to another Programme.
xii. OSA reserves the right to modify or cancel the Programme, and to make alterations to the programme, terms, rules, policies, courses and tutors at any time before or during the Programme without the Student’s consent. OSA shall not be held responsible for any inconvenience caused and extra expenses incurred.
xiii. Wherever possible, OSA will try to accommodate the Student’s reasonable requests for a change to his booking (e.g.: change of course or change of dates) but cannot guarantee and is under no obligation to do so.
xiv. Photographs are provided as an example only and OSA’s tutors, classrooms or other facilities may be different to those displayed.
xv. No advice or information provided by OSA or OSA’s Tutors at any time shall create any legal obligation and OSA makes no warranty that OSA’s courses or services shall meet the Student’s requirements or be fit for a particular purpose
xvi. Where any OSA policy differs with these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail
xvii. OSA does not intend any term of this Contract to be enforceable pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
xviii. OSA may revise these terms from time to time. The most current version will always be posted on OSA’s website. Any material changes will be notified to the Student by email.
xix. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales
xx. Each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales, to settle any dispute or question relating to this Contract, or any other matter
Rules and guidelines
- Residential Summer School: Rules & Regulations
- Online courses: Online Guidelines
Other policies