Attending an academic, international summer school can take a lot of organisation, from finding the best summer school option to sorting flights, which may lead you to wonder...
What Do You Do in Medical School?
Before applying to medical school, should you be medically knowledgeable, an effective communicator, skilled at interacting with diverse individuals and willing to advocate for...
A Complete Guide to Different Medical Specialities
Medical students are often confident in stating their desire to become a doctor. However, they're often less sure of the specific speciality they're hoping to pursue. By no means...
How to Take Notes in Medical School
A familiar excitement fills your mind as you begin a new school term. 'This semester will be different', you tell yourself. This will be the one where you stay ahead of lecture...
A Day in the Life of an Oxford Scholastica Student: Graduation & Ceilidh
Hello! My name is Mehar, and I am a high school student from India who previously attended Oxford Scholastica's Experience Medicine Academy. My time at Oxford was magnificent,...
Demystifying the UK University Application Process for Educators
The UCAS applications process for UK universities can appear daunting for students and teachers alike. With that said, educators play an important role in students’ success with...
How to Secure Strong References for Your UCAS Applications
References are a crucial component of your UCAS application, offering a holistic view of your potential as an applicant. Your application will ask for references who can testify...
A Day in the Life of a History Student
It’s been over three years since I first sent my UCAS application off to Oxford University. Now, as a third-year history student on the cusp of exams, I can safely say that these...
What Is Market Failure?
When running a business, it’s important to foresee potential complications so you can plan ahead. In particular, aspiring entrepreneurs should research the concept of market...
You’ve Done the Career Test & Uni Prep Report: Now What?
The process of preparing for university can often seem never-ending, with various steps and requirements before you even submit your application. However, at the Oxford...
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