Engineering is an incredibly diverse field with a wide range of applications in the real world and a myriad of career options, wherever you choose to study. Deciding on the...
What Is the United Nations (UN)?
The UN, or United Nations, is an international, intergovernmental institution set up in 1945. This was after World War II caused the collapse of its predecessor, the League of...
A Guide To Studying Science At University
What does it mean to study science at university? Studying science at university is, in some ways, similar to how you might have studied science at school. You'll learn...
What Is The Third Sector?
If you’ve done any volunteering, looked into work with NGOs (non-governmental organizations) or researched not-for-profits, you’ll have interacted with the third-sector without...
What Are Financial Services?
If you’re interested in economics or business, chances are that you’ve seen the phrase Financial Services floating around a lot. But what actually are they? We’ve put together a...
Oxford’s Great Writers
For a prospective student of literature or a self-confessed bookworm, there’s nothing quite as humbling as standing in the footsteps of Oxford’s rich alumni of literary giants....
Brexit: The Students’ Guide
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering what on earth a Brexit is, or been left frustrated by news articles that assume an existing level of knowledge on the subject, then this...
Preparing Students for Future Jobs
A few generations ago, going with the flow was enough. Most people in modernised society lived in nuclear families where a single income sufficed to buy a home, educate the...
A Day in the Life of a Cambridge Modern Languages Student
Modern Languages at Cambridge Are you considering applying for an undergraduate degree in Modern and Medieval Languages (MML) at the University of Cambridge? If so, read...
Productive Summer Activities For High School Students
Your final summer of high school is the perfect time to boost your CV and to cram your college and university applications with evidence of your commitment to extracurricular...
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