There’s no two ways about it: internship applications are hard! All the refining and editing will be worth it when you land the placement of your dreams though, which is why...
How to Use Apps to Stay Organised and Productive When Studying Online
Whether you’re considering attending our online summer school, or just wondering how to best manage your time and study productively, using apps can help boost motivation, direct...
Benefits of School Newspapers for Students
Whether you’re a keen student journalist yourself, or just looking to learn more about student culture at the universities you’re planning to apply to, student newspapers are the...
How to Make Connections and Network Online as a Student
Whichever subject you want to study at university, or whichever career path you want to pursue, networking is one of the best ways you can increase the depth of your knowledge...
Why Do Students Need Sleep?
Studying for exams is always difficult, but it can seem even harder with complicated topics and long night shifts sitting at your desk ahead of the big day. Wouldn’t it be great...
Criminal Psychology: The Mind of a Murderer
Criminal psychology has experienced a surge in popularity in recent years, thanks in part to gripping true crime documentaries that have captured the public's imagination....
Life As A Medical Student
What to Expect and How to Prepare Whether you’ve just made the decision that you want to pursue a career in medicine or you just got accepted into medical school...
Useful Extracurricular Activities If You Want to Study Medicine
If you have decided to apply to study medicine, there can be a mountain of expectations placed on your academic results. But the question is: what else can you do? What useful...
How Can Students Develop Resilience?
Today’s young people face unprecedented mental health challenges. Never has it been more important that we understand both why this is happening, and how to support young people...
The Once and Future Norm
Things must not have been as good as they seemed. Because we already know we aren’t going back to them - even once we can. A collective casualty of Covid is our old way of life....
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Our immersive programmes give young people with big dreams the opportunity to get a true understanding of their career path.