Harry Potter Filming Locations in Oxford

24 Feb, 2025

Harry Potter Filming Locations in Oxford

24 Feb, 2025 | Oxford Summer School

The Harry Potter films are some of the most famous and iconic films to be made in the last century, and Hogwarts has become instantly-recognisable to people all over the world. With some of Oxford University’s colleges acting as a backdrop to Harry, Ron and Hermione’s adventures, many scenes from the timeless classics were filmed in the city of Oxford! 

Most of the filming locations are quite accessible and easy to find, so taking a themed tour is a wonderfully unique way to spend a day in Oxford. 

Take a look for yourself!

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Christ Church College

Christ Church College was used for a number of scenes in the Harry Potter films. One of the college staircases was actually used to film the famous scene where Harry, Ron and Hermione first enter Hogwarts Castle and meet Professor McGonagall! 

The college’s eighth century cloisters can also be seen throughout the first film, as they’re frequently used as various hallways and corridors around Hogwarts.

In addition, Christ Church’s grand Dining Hall served as inspiration for the iconic Hogwarts Great Hall. By purchasing a ticket, any member of the public can explore the college and its beautiful architecture, with Christ Church Meadow free to visit throughout the year.

Whilst the college itself was founded in 1525, the site was originally home to a priory from as early as the eighth century, and served a religious function until the dissolution of the monasteries. The oldest building that remains on the college site is the twelfth century collegiate cathedral – a breathtaking landmark that many tourists take the time to visit while in the city.

Christ Church College is the inspiration for the Great Hall in Harry Potter.

Bodleian Library

The Bodleian Library was used extensively in the Harry Potter films. It’s one of Oxford’s oldest and most important landmarks, and multiple parts of the library are clearly recognisable throughout the films. The Bodleian Library’s Divinity School is used as a filming location in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, and becomes the Hogwarts Infirmary in subsequent films. 

The Bodleian’s Duke Humfrey’s Library appears as the restricted section of the Hogwarts Library. Its combination of dark-coloured wood and intricate detailing creates the perfect mysterious atmosphere for Harry to sneak through in his invisibility cloak.

It costs £2.50 to visit the Divinity School, and £6 for a tour of the Duke Humfrey’s Library. Both locations are iconic and quintessentially Oxford, and are a fantastic opportunity to gain an insight into the rich academic history of the city.

The Bodleian Library acts as part of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films.

New College

New College also frequently appears as a backdrop in several scenes in the Harry Potter films. Notably, a distinctive tree can be spotted in the college that you may recognise from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when Mad Eye Moody transfigures Draco into a ferret!

The college’s cloisters and courtyard also act as Hogwarts hallways and grounds in multiple scenes across the films, so a visit to the college is an excellent way to immerse yourself in the magical wizarding world.

Plan Your Harry Potter Tour in Oxford

If you’re interested in visiting these iconic Harry Potter locations, make sure to plan your trip beforehand. Decide on the places you want to visit, and work out how close they are to each other! 

There are some Harry Potter themed souvenir and gift shops on Broad Street and Cornmarket Street, both of which can be reached when walking between Christ Church College, the Bodleian Libraries and New College.

In addition, the famous Blackwell’s Bookshop – only a two minute walk away from the Bodleian Libraries – is also worth a visit! As well as being one of the largest bookshops in Europe, it also sells Harry Potter merchandise and special edition books. 

When planning a visit, it’s important to double-check college websites for opening hours and any possible restrictions.

Oxford is a beautiful and iconic city with a variety of famous sites to explore. For a chance to experience student life in one of the most famous university cities in the world – and to surround yourself with glimpses of Hogwarts! – you might like to consider an Oxford Scholastica Academy residential summer course.


By Jessica Mason

Jessica is currently studying a BA in English Language and Literature at the University of Oxford, and has a particular interest in Early Modern theatre. She enjoys writing articles and has lots of experience in student journalism.

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