Making choices can be extremely tricky. Everything from picking your morning Starbucks order to deciding the subject(s) you want to study at university can cause stress and...
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What To Do If You Get Rejected from University
Rejection is tough. We rarely want to face it, but it’s important to remember that it’s never the end of the world. Today, we’re looking at the different paths open to you if you...
Dealing With Culture Shock As an International Student in the UK
One of our wonderful Oxford Scholastica content interns wrote this article about their experience with culture shock when they started at Oxford University as an international...
How to Choose the Best Online Academic Courses for Teens
Whether you’re looking for an academic online course to stretch yourself beyond the school curriculum, or a chance to explore a subject you’ve never experienced before, it’s...
6 Benefits of Essay Writing Competitions
Essay competitions may seem demanding, and in your final years at school, coursework and other commitments can seem far more important. However, the process of participating in...
How to Use Apps to Stay Organised and Productive When Studying Online
Whether you’re considering attending our online summer school, or just wondering how to best manage your time and study productively, using apps can help boost motivation, direct...
Why Do Students Need Sleep?
Studying for exams is always difficult, but it can seem even harder with complicated topics and long night shifts sitting at your desk ahead of the big day. Wouldn’t it be great...
How Can Students Develop Resilience?
Today’s young people face unprecedented mental health challenges. Never has it been more important that we understand both why this is happening, and how to support young people...
The Once and Future Norm
Things must not have been as good as they seemed. Because we already know we aren’t going back to them - even once we can. A collective casualty of Covid is our old way of life....
The Lessons of Covid School
Education is a lifelong process, and every single one of us is now in Covid school. What do we do with a plague that became a quarantine that became a school? It can be hard to...
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