How to Prepare for the Future of Work Look at a recruitment firm’s website today and you’ll see jobs advertised for a Social Media Manager, an App Developer, even Uber drivers:...
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3 Top Internship Applications Tips to Stand Out
There’s no two ways about it: internship applications are hard! All the refining and editing will be worth it when you land the placement of your dreams though, which is why...
How to Make Connections and Network Online as a Student
Whichever subject you want to study at university, or whichever career path you want to pursue, networking is one of the best ways you can increase the depth of your knowledge...
Purpose Generation: Helping High School Students Choose a Career that Matters
How students view themselves and their futures, and how that future unfolds, has become the focus of increasing attention. Myriad longitudinal studies, including this report by...
What Is The Third Sector?
If you’ve done any volunteering, looked into work with NGOs (non-governmental organizations) or researched not-for-profits, you’ll have interacted with the third-sector without...
Preparing Students for Future Jobs
A few generations ago, going with the flow was enough. Most people in modernised society lived in nuclear families where a single income sufficed to buy a home, educate the...
Internships: Tips To Land Your First Internship
Internships are often said to be the key to getting the career you want. They offer a unique opportunity to gain skills, knowledge, and experience, and do it all in a real...
Top 10 Tips for Surviving a Job Interview
1. Do your research The best way to show you are interested in a company is to know a lot about them. In 2018 with Google and Wikipedia it is so easy to find out alot about a...
How to become an Airline Pilot
Becoming a pilot is the stuff of kids dreams. For hundreds of years the human race has marvelled at the beauty of flight, trying desperately to follow the birds into the air. It...
How to Write a Great Cover Letter
How to Write a Great Cover Letter What is a cover letter? A cover letter (or ‘covering letter’) is a document you often send in with your CV or resume as part of an application....
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